Humanity has made amazing advancements in recent decades world-wide in terms of technology, particularly in the field of information technology. The economic research space is one sector that utilizes information technology heavily in order to analyze trends and make predictions about the future, and from that, economic policy emanating from the regulatory bodies of each respective economic groupCollection of actors who assimilate, conform and join together to endorse a similar outloo... and platformCollection of actors, entities and offerings bonded by a common economic essence around the world.
It is paradoxical that with all of these resources focused on economic outcomes becoming more powerful and far-reaching every day, humanity’s fundamental understanding of economics still seems to be in question.
The video below highlights a quote being sited by a moderator at the New Orleans Investment Conference in 2018. It regards humanity’s scientific progress in economics over time as digressing rather than improving, and characterizes our application of economic science as stepping on a rake:
Humanity Economics was founded to join this conversation, provide a new perspective, and hopefully some fundamental explanations for things that have been misunderstood for a long time.